When You're Having a Hard Day

photo-3Last week, sweet Holley gave this writing prompt for today's post: “What are the encouraging words you want to hear when you’re having a hard day?”And friend - I had no idea how hard it was going to get.

As I type, I'm with my sweet baby girl resting in Pediatric ICU.

Our wee family has just lived through the hardest five days of our lives. Our girl is going to be okay and she's healing, but it has been a rough road. Talking to one of my dearest friends earlier today, she said "this is going to make one good blog post", and I knew that I needed to share even just a little.The encouraging words I've needed to hear these past days? They came from our day nurse yesterday when we walked in, sleep-deprived, red-eyed, from a few hours sleep at Ronald McDonald House.

She looked me in the eye and said firmly but kindly, "I'm Jessica. I'm going to be taking care of your little girl today."

For three and a half days, we've needed to hear those words. My mama-heart broke down in relief and tears. Quite honestly, everything happened so fast as we moved from hospital to hospital, and in such chaos and panic that it wasn't clear what was going on or who was in charge. We just needed to know that someone was in control of the situation, that they were confident and capable, and that they had things in hand.One of our greatest blessings has been people who care for us when we simply have nothing left. Those people who just do for us what we can't do for ourselves, who pick up what we are unable to, and take care of the details that are entirely overwhelming. What is the lesson for us? I don't know - I'm breaking the rule of not writing what hasn't been processed yet. But I think it might be this: sometimes we just need to enter in, use our gifts and do the work we've been called to. We have no idea how much difference it might make to someone's weary heart.Thanks, Jessica. Sweet Girl and I are blowing you kisses of thanks.


PS - I also love this - Holley is right on the money here: http://holleygerth.com/what-you-long-to-hear-on-the-hard-days-coffee-for-your-heart/


When You Need to Know You’re Going to be Okay


When You Need to Know You’re Not Alone